Selling Domains To Generate More Money
If they wish to become financially free, internet marketers know that their chances are greatly increased if they have a wide range of income sources. It is for this reason that many internet marketers are developing multiple projects simultaneously. An excellent way to make money online, besides creating your own products and affiliate sales, is by buying and selling domains. If you approach it the right way, then domain "flipping" as it is known, can be quite profitable. Here are some hints that will help you generate even more cash from the sale of domains.
Your negotiation skills will need a little polishing. Learning negotiation skills is vital to doing business. No matter what you do, people buying from you will always attempt to get you to offer more for the same price, whether through additional products or services, or at the very least try to convince you to lower your prices. There are some people who will not agree to be swayed from their position. We believe that you will be better armed by learning some negotiation skills, even if the latter is a valid position to take. If you bargain with your potential buyers, or even merely agree to do so, you will improve your credibility in their eyes and thus increase the chances of you actually selling them something. You may even be able to apply those bargaining skills to increasing the size of your sale! You should develop a website for your domain flipping business. This website can be used to present a little information on the domains you are selling. You also need to provide a little information about yourself as well as about your business and its policies. This way you can build a respectable reputation for your business. A website and a professional online presence will help improve the trust of buyers. Rarely are forum posts and e-mails enough to make a sale go through. Sometimes, additional effort is needed. Even more importantly, a website will enable you to market to a larger audience than if you were attempting to sell individual domains.
You must set the correct price for your domain. You will find it hard to turn a large profit on a domain that has never hosted a site. If your pricing is appropriate then you will still be able to make money from these domains. It is unlikely that you will earn a profit of hundreds of dollars from a domain name that has never been used before. Overpricing your domains can lead to you not making the sale. If you under price your domains, though, you could end up losing money. When pricing your domains, keep an eye out for the price of other types of domains and use that as a guide in your own calculations. Domain selling is a legitimate way to generate extra cash online. There are people who turn domain selling into their main source of online income. There are others who simply use it as a hobby. It is completely up to you to decide how much work and time you will put into this online cash generation technique. If your goal is to simply generate a little additional cash then that's perfectly okay. It is possible to turn it into a full time business as well!.
6 Ways to find things to sell on eBay
Need to Make More Money? 6 Ways to find things to sell on eBay
There are millions of buyers who flock to eBay every year. You can have your own part-time or full-time business from home selling merchandise through online auctions. The biggest question for new eBay sellers is where to find items to auction off. These 6 great places will give you an opportunity to start making money on eBay.
1. Start looking for things at home that you don't need or want anymore. You might be surprised on how much stuff you can find that are worth money. Items such as name brand clothing, baby stuff, jewelry and video games do well on eBay.
2. Liquidation alerts sites, like As the first of its kind, BlueBlee is becoming a popular place for shoppers looking to save a bundle of money with Going out of business sales. Powered by one of the largest liquidators in the US, gives members a heads up every they help a store close its doors. Through a series of web and mobile alerts, BlueBlee keeps every member current on where and when to look for discounted goods. Basically, if there is a close out for my favorite store and they have a location within 50 miles of my home, will send me the address and info right as the deal closes, not 3-5 days later when everyone else knows already. This alert system will ensure that BlueBlee users always get the best products at the best price.
3. Wholesale websites, like These international giants allow the normal people, like you and I, a chance to play in the big game of moving products online. One note to make, if you cannot afford to buy 10,000 widgets, don't even look. Alibaba only sells in bulk and is tailor made to help you make a nice profit if you can afford it upfront.
4. Estate sales can make you a lot of money if you know what you're looking for. People who are throwing estate sales just want to get rid of stuff, quickly. Study what sells on eBay and make a list of items to look for. Shopping at estate sales will allow you to mark up your auction prices significantly if you know what you are looking for. I have seen friends of mine make $25,000 on a table that no one wanted, of course it was from the 18th century, but you never know.
5. Storage unit sales are a great place to make a buck, if you feel like gambling. Essentially what happens is you go to the storage center, they auction units that have not paid rent in more than 60 days and you bid. There is no way of knowing what is in them or what they might have behind the door, but they are cheap to offset the risks. I have seen a friend make more than $100,000 in a day from one of these deals.
6. Always visit the clearance section of your favorite stores. If you love what you're selling, it will do well. All retail stores have a clearance section depending on the occasion. Take advantage of Black Fridays and Boxing Day.
About The Author
Online Home Business: The Benefits
Running an online home business has many benefits. If you are considering researching home business ideas, here are a few of the positive things about starting a home business online.
- An online home business is very easy to start. Previously if you were to start a home business it would involve a lot of planning and work to get your business successfully off the ground.
Nowadays, with the internet that is no longer the case, as anyone with an internet connection can start an online home business.
Affiliate marketing is a good example of how easy it is to start an online business. You can join an affiliate program and be promoting your product online literally in a few minutes.
- The start-up costs are very low. It is not going to cost you much money at all, although costs will vary depending on the type of home business you start.
Affiliate programs are free to join and many residual income opportunities will cost you less than $100 to get started. If you choose to do other things like article writing or blog posting these will not cost you any money at all.
- You can outsource what you can't do yourself. If you are new to working online you will not yet have mastered the internet marketing skills required to promote a business. But you don't have to worry about that as it is easy to find people to do things for you at a reasonable price.
Fiverr is a great website where you can hire people for five dollars per project and Easy Outsource and Odesk are other websites where you can hire employees.
- You have the opportunity to earn unlimited income. Your goal no doubt is to make as much money as you can.
You know exactly what your monthly salary is when you have a job and this makes it easier to budget and plan your life, however, it does not make is easy to achieve your dreams.
With an online home business you can make as much money as you want. Once you are making money with your first website you can then increase your income by starting another one and so on. There is no limit to what you can do online.
Consider working with people to make money through joint ventures as well as earning off the efforts of others with network marketing opportunities.
- You don't need high skill levels. To start and run a successful online home business does not mean that you need to have a college education
Whilst you will need to master some internet marketing skills to drive traffic to your site, anyone can learn these if they are prepared to spend the time working at it.
The above a just some of the many benefits of having an online home business. It is very easy and cheap to start an online business from home and with work can be very profitable.
5 Key Ways to Engage your Facebook Business Page Fans
We've all heard that if you are in business, you need to have a Facebook Business page or Fan page.
Now that you've gone ahead and built your Facebook fan page, what's the next step?
If you build it they will come or will they?
If you now do nothing with your Facebook page, it will do nothing for you. Congratulations, you have a cyber-slug!
If you don't have the time to spend keeping your page updated, or you don't have the cash in your business to pay someone else to keep your page updated, you are wasting your time. Its that simple.
We're a fickle crowd. If you are not keeping your page current and populated with new and interesting bits and pieces to read, you won't be top of mind with those that have liked your page.
Without posting on your wall, your fans are not seeing your page in their newsfeed. Your fans will have to remember to find and revisit your page. They won't.
When was the last time you actively visited a page on Facebook purely because you thought of it?
Or did you see a post or comment in your newsfeed from a friend that caught your eye and you clicked through to find out more.
My guess is option 2. Most of us operate that way. We see what others are doing or talking about and then go and have a look see.
With that in mind, how can you apply the browsing habits of most online users to your Facebook page strategy to ensure people continue to visit your page?
1. Post 2 to 3 times per week
Yes, per week. Be on your wall posting articles, comments, questions, videos, photos, etc at least 2 to 3 times per week to keep your page fans engaged.
If you are not talking to your page visitors, someone else will be.
2. Post at different times of the day / different days of the week
Unless you know exactly when your page fans are online, make an effort to post at different times of the day and also, post on different days of the week.
By posting at different times of the day, you can make sure you are appearing in the newsfeed of your fans at differing times. People are online at different times of the day. Some like to early morning browse. Some jump online after lunch. Others do a quick catch up on what's happening at dinner time or when they've finally put the kids to bed and have a few moments to themselves.
Likewise, some people are more active on weekdays. Others browse on the weekend when things have slowed down at work.
Know when your target market is online and post specifically to tap into their peak browsing times.
3. Repost your content
Its perfectly fine to write one single article and post the same article to your wall 2 or 3 times. Just make sure you spread out the time between the posting.
For example, you may post an article at the start of the month and repost it at the end of the month. Why? No one can possibly be on Facebook 24 hours a day. There will be fans that would love to read your content but were not online when you first posted it.
Reposting gives people the chance to catch it on the second time around.
4. Post Content from other Sources
Be seen as in information disseminator. As well as sharing your own information, source material that you know will appeal to your target market.
If you read an article that was helpful to you in business, chances are, it will also benefit others. So share it.
Your Facebook page visitors will appreciate the gesture and may even on-share it, citing you as the reference point where they found it.
This is where the ability to tag in Facebook can be really useful. An article you found and posted can easily be shared as a link by someone else, with a tag to your page as a thank you for sharing. Win-win!
5. Respond to Comments or Questions
If someone posts a question or a comment on your page, reply. Sounds simple, but I'm amazed how many people don't even bother to visit their own page to see what is happening on the wall.
Engaging with your visitors is an ideal way to establish rapport and build up a following of loyal fans who will love to hear from you.
If you do this, chances are next time they have a question in your field of expertise, they'll ask you. Their friends will also see that they've posted on your Facebook business page wall and some will click through to see why.
Why Did you Build a Facebook Business Page?
Your aim when building a Facebook business page should be to generate traffic to your page, as a source of potential leads, clients and customers.
Your challenge is to keep them interested when they get there. Keep them engaged. Keep them coming back.
That way they'll see you as the expert and seek your advice and opinion when they have an issue to solve or question to ask.
Hire Professional SEO Services to Boost Your Business
Making your business successful requires proper tactics that can broadcast your business to your customers in order to help you attract more customers for your business. Internet marketing is the best solution that can ensure the success of your business. Business websites are a gateway for your business to target the vast online market and internet marketing is the portal that you can use to attract your targeted customers.
Internet marketing increases your online traffic, pre-sell your projects & services, increase sales conversation, and improve your brand image and value. An eye catching attractive website is essential in the technologically advanced and highly competitive market of current age, for the success of business. Internet marketing services provider companies are easily available on the internet these days and finding the right company to market your business is just what it takes to make your business successful.
The companies that provide internet marketing services are highly experienced in the field of internet marketing. The effectiveness of these companies is un-doubtable because of the various strategies they use in order to differentiate your company from your competitors and normal crowd, which basically decides your success. No matter what type of business you are running, when you take your business online, be assured that many other people have the same business as you do and they are selling the same things as you are. Therefore, creating a difference between your website and the website of your competitors is necessary in order to attract customers and internet marketing services is the only way that can easily ensure this important prospect.
Internet marketing services will not only give your website the attention that it needs to stay in business, but it will also give your business the opportunities it needs in order to raise the profit graph of your business. Internet marketing services use a variety of strategies in order to broadcast your website to your targeted customers. Strategies such as, PPC management, search engine optimization (SEO), online PR and affiliate program management and marketing etc. Only a professional company offering internet marketing services knows the right mix of business accuracy and human touch that is needed to make your business successful.
According to market statistics more than 85% of total internet traffic and 50% of E-commerce transactions are generated through search engines. Therefore, search engine optimization is necessary in order to gain high rankings in the different search engines because this is the traffic that will determine the fate of your business. If you are unable to grab a fair share from this vast traffic, your business cannot be successful. SEO is a technique that can help you reach your goals much faster if it is done properly.
If your website is not able to gain high ranks in the search engines for the key phrases relative to your business, then this could mean huge loss for your business. In order to gain higher ranks for relative key phrases of your business, using the internet marking services is essential because they know the tips and tricks that are necessary to market your business successfully.
The Three Most Commonly Accepted Affiliate Myths
Affiliate marketing has become really vast, which is why it is surrounded by a number of myths. If you want to know what those myths are, keep reading.
One affiliate marketing myth that's still around is the one where affiliates think they need to spend countless hours making websites and various blogs and then keeping them up. It's important for you to understand that affiliate marketing doesn't require much effort at al when it comes to designing a website and keeping it up with the intent of offering products. Why, you ask? That's because you don't have to keep adding to it to keep it up. An example of this would be if you had a site that was intended to review a product that you happen to be promoting. This site could stay like it is forever, unless there was something that changed with the product. There are times when you'll see that such review pages remain the same for years, without any addition of new content. It should now be apparent that you don't need to spend a lot of time making a page for the purpose of selling affiliate products. Not only that, but blogs and Squidoo pages that have your products for sale only require you to do what you can to make sure you have enough backlinks to keep your same search engine ranking. Beyond that, it's completely your call as to what additional products or information you want to add.
Another wrong impression about affiliate marketing is that you can't get positive results because of all of the people that are doing the same thing. Yes, there are a few niche markets where there is tons of competition, but that also means that there is opportunity in there. But on the other hand, there are also niche markets that have low numbers of competition. If you are serious about creating success, you must be able to do better than the competition because this will let you see what affiliate marketing is all about.
Also, it's a myth that you need many visitors to actually get sales for your affiliate product. Although you want targeted traffic coming to your particular site, it is even more important. There are sites that receive huge number of visitors but don't have many conversions. This basically means that in order to continue making consistent sales, you have to ensure that you provide what your visitors are looking for. So you see there are plenty of affiliate marketing myths, new ones as well as ones from several years ago. It's your ability to look past these myths to the goals you've set for yourself that will determine your success or failure in this business.
Online Business for Starters
As a business owner, you plan to take your business into another level. You always dream of having several branches to reach more people, expansion is a bright idea but the cost may be too expensive. Now you can expand and share your service and product into a bigger market, why not take your business globally?
Having an online business allows you to reach your target audience easily, communicating is faster and there is a great possibility to catch more clients. This is a cheaper way of expanding your business, hassle free and no need to build a new office. Sounds easy but how will you start?
A business owner must know how to do internet marketing. If you are a busy person who doesn't have time to take a short course regarding online business and internet marketing, you can simply take online coaching and training product which means you can learn in your own free time. It basically teaches how to leverage the internet marketing. Its about making things easier and simpler, you do more and more with less and less. More profits, more income with less effort, less investment and less time. With this type of technique, a business owner can be rich in no time.
Once you have an online business, it is important that you keep in touch with your visitors and turn them into a client. Follow - ups is necessary, through emails you can tell them directly about your service, its advantages and why they need it. Who knows, they might be interested with what you offer or refer you to other people. Why emails? Because millions of people go online and check their emails everyday. For starters, this can be complicated, there are a lot of things that need to be done and sending emails everyday can be tiring. No worries because there are companies that help starters in managing their business.
Although some of them may be strict, not everyone can be accepted, they do this to protect their integrity. Applicants must be qualified or referred. Once accepted, they provide virtual office, complete with business tools, training and technical support. There are also business coaches who have a wide experience and vast knowledge when it comes to business. They will lead you to the road of success. This is specially designed to guide and help those who have an online business to become successful regardless of their education and background in business.
Don't Get Scammed With An Online Business, How To Start Yours The Right Way
The Internet offers you many opportunities to start a business and make some extra money. If you set things up properly, you can not only have a side business which will put a little bit of extra cash in your pocket, you can have a full-time business that will quickly surpass the amount of money that you're making at your job. Of course, it does require that you approach it in the proper way and that you treat it like a business, from start to finish. That being said, here is how to start a small business online to make some extra money and to get your feet wet in the online marketplace.
Although you certainly do have many different options available to you as to how to reach your customers, one of the easiest things that you can do is to use an online marketplace that is already established. One of the more popular of such marketplaces is eBay. It is possible for you to make money by using this auction website if you set things up properly. As a matter of fact, there are many people who earn their full-time living on eBay and they continue to grow their business in some rather unique ways.
That isn't to say, however, that the only thing that is necessary to start an eBay business is to find things in your garage that are no longer wanted. Yes, it is possible for you to sell those items to get a little bit of cash flow going but eventually, you're going to run out of things to sell. What do you do when you reach that position and find that you can continue to sell but you're out of products? That is where you turn to wholesalers, drop shippers and others that can warehouse the products for you and ship them once you make the sale.
As a matter of fact, people are using the drop shipping technique to sell on eBay and other online websites each and every day. It is something that can help you be successful very quickly and once you get started, you would be surprised with how far you are able to take it. You do need to have a business license to get connected with the legitimate drop shipping companies and you will need to establish a relationship with them so that it is mutually beneficial.
As your business continues to grow online, you will find that there are many things that can be done which will assist you in being successful. One of the most important things for you to consider, however, is that you must treat your customers like gold. This is not only true on auction websites where they are able to give immediate feedback but it is true, regardless of where you are selling. If you treat your customers properly, they will recommend you and you will get a reputation that will help to drive your business well into the future.
About The Author
Donnie Jonston is the author of this article about how to make money on Ebay Donnie has years of work experience as a writer and also working with drop shippers in a variety of entrepreneurial ventures. Visit us: .
Selling Or Buying Domain Names For Revenue
If you are looking to make money online, you are possibly aware that it seems that everyday new ways are being presented on how you can achieve this. Flipping domains, on the other hand, is a proven opportunity to make money and sometimes quickly, although not everyone is aware of the market for this. In a similar manner as owning a website means you have an asset, this is also the case when you purchase a domain. How domains can be sold for a nice return is something we will now explore.
There are countless domains that made people prosperous who were in this market at the start and there are many of these who still trade domains as a genuine business today. The dot com extension is actually the most valuable and the one word kind of domains are long gone in terms of availability as they are for the majority of the others such as dot net and dot org. If you can instruct yourself about this market, you can still make healthy profits once you realize where the demand is.
Short domain names have the potential to make you some money and those with the least characters are most likely to be priced at the uppermost level. One of the underlying factors these can be attractive to prospective buyers is they may be seen as brandable particularly in these days of web 2.0 sites that have short quirky names. Clearly, some will be more marketable than others and so you need to get a feel for what looks right. You should learn to get an instinct for what is right here and by looking into what actually sells and for what price, your understanding of what creates interest will increase.
If you look into niches as part of your internet marketing, you will recognize the next sort of domain that is dependent on specific keyword phrases. Google's keyword tool is used by many people for investigation in internet marketing and, in domaining, the exact match options are often used. The more occasions an exact keyword is searched for, the more valuable the domain could be to buy if you still can get it. The dot net and dot org extensions can be lucrative if you find that the more sought after dot com has already been registered. As you become more competent, you will get an idea as to what markets are the most profitable as this will have an effect on the price paid for domains.
A further area of escalating interest for domainers are extensions associated with particular international locations such as the UK and Germany. It is conceivable to unearth domains that you might not obtain for the main domain extensions and this could end up being profitable. If you keep an eye on the market, you will see that you are much more aware of where the value is. Sedo is one of the largest sites online for marketing domains so you need to see what goes on there and sign up for a forum like NamePros or DNForum.
Domain flipping can make you money online as long as you invest some hours gaining the wisdom you need to trade successfully.
Extra Income Through Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is the fastest growing industry on the Internet today. Extra Income made through this channel runs into billions of dollars yearly. Many people get involved in it without a solid plan for success. Indeed, many want to earn extra income using affiliate marketing, albeit without a real base plan, which is the most important reason for most being unsuccessful at it. Do you really look at any earning without understanding or planning the future of any business, be it at work or at earning extra income?
Don not be under any misconceptions, though affiliate marketing is an easy and entertaining way to earn extra income, it is serious work, and just like any other job that requires effort, perseverance, and above all, a clear line of sight and plan of action from start to finish line.
Small things like setting up your home office properly, getting up to date on know-how, setting achievable goals, making people connections, and investment in your business will ensure that you are one-up on your competition, and also make sure that you firmly stand over them.
Home Office Setup
The most important step to take before becoming an affiliate marketer is to set up your base little home office you've always wanted.
You can find many resources on the internet about ergonomic design. Ergonomic because anyone intending to spend a major amount of time working on their computers need space which promotes good posture at the same time takes care of safety issues involving their office workspace.
Learning the Trade
Nobody gets into work untrained. Even when you applied for your first job, you had made sure that you are qualified and can do justice to it. Putting in a nutshell, no one hires you for giving you a free extra income without basic training.
What you need then, is to get some training on how to become a professional affiliate marketer. You can start by finding another one and check what they can do to help you. There are many professional affiliate marketers already earning a substantial extra income, who would be willing to teach you by passing o their knowledge so that you can augment the extra income they are already earning. The internet also offers a lot of resources and conference time tables which you can attend to learn.
The secret is to become a student of your own business; you will get to learn something new day after day. Now you are ready to begin by setting some realistic goals for yourself.
The major problem that plagues most affiliate marketers is that they tend to set themselves unrealistic goals by being over confident about their skills and plans. This results in becoming disenchanted very quickly due to non attainment of goals. Being realistic removes a lot of pain in this context. For example a goal of $5,000 a month realistically attainable, but a first time affiliate marketer is not likely to attain it when starting up.
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