Google Makes Beginners Money Online

In the efforts to make money for newbies using Google AdSense, many people usually get a "mental block" on the first step which is choosing a "niche," meaning topic, of what their website should be about. This is normal as it is not easy to know what topic to choose from, much less what you should write about said topic. No worries though as there is a simple tool anyone can use to generate numerous keyword to choose from that have excellent potential to make money for newbies to the Google AdSense world.
In this article I am going to explain using the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. This is a wonderful tool due to the fact that it costs nothing and it aids in the brainstorming process. It will make it much easier make money for newbies with Google. Let us begin with the first task to using the tool to make money online.
Task 1: Finding a Niche with Google Keyword Tool
What we must do initially choose a general topic. Anything that happens to come to mind. By typing this general niche into the Google AdWords Keyword Tool it allows you to see multiple keywords associated with the general niche you typed in. The tool will also examine the keywords in how popular and profitable they are. Now if you go to Google's search engine and type in "Google AdWords Keyword Tool" it will show you a link to the tool. Click on that click and the tool will open. Now to begin, follow along with the sample topic that I choose so you can better comprehend the process. The topic I choose is baseball. Enter the word "baseball" into the keyword entry space and click the "get keyword ideas" button. It will then show you all of the keywords associated with the niche baseball. Voila! A grand selection of words to choose from to make money for newbies online. However in order to make the right selections to make money online, we need to set up the tool to properly display the qualities of the keywords we want to examine which brings us to task 2.
Task 2: Configuring the Google AdSense Keyword Tool
It is very crucial to set the keyword tool in the proper settings to probe our keywords. What we need to do now is go over to the tab marked" Match Type". Click the drop-down menu and select "exact" so we can get the exact results. Next, we need to go to the tab marked "Choose Column to Display" so we can show the stats we want to see and hide those we do not need to make money for newbies. Make sure you show these two statistics: A. Estimated Average CPC and B. Global Monthly Search Volume. You can hide all the other options. These two will determine which keywords are valuable, which are valueless and which are competitive and suitable to make money for newbies. let me show you what each means.
A. CPC (Cost Per Click): dictates the amount of revenue generated with each click for a certain keyword. For instance if you select the keyword "baseball bat" and you construct a site for baseball bats. You can scroll down and notice the CPC for "baseball bat" is $1.41. So each time a visitor visits your site and clicks on an advertisement on your site it will generate $1.41. This is not how ever your profit. You get roughly 30% of this number is .42 cents. This CPC is good to make money for newbies online if you have many visitors. If you get 200 clicks in a day you made $84.00, a good way to make money online. You should only choose keywords whose CPC is a minimum of $1.41.
B. Global Monthly Searches: Dictates how many searches per month for the particular keyword. Going back to "baseball bat", you notice it is searched for 60,500 times per month. That range is very profitable how ever a bit out of reach to make money for newbies. If a keyword has a large number of searches such as 60,500 this means it is very competitive and your competitors that are going after this keyword are very experienced. This range is way to competitive to make money online at your current stage if your a newbie. Once you gain more experience then you can target such a word. However, for now a good range for a newbie's competitive level is 3,000-10,000 searches per month. Typically you want to use the tool in this manner to get at least three-four keywords that have a CPC of $1.00 or more and lie in the range of 3,000-10,000 searches a month. I hope this tool helps you find your keywords to make money for newbies with Google AdSense.

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Secrets To Making Money Easy Online

The truth is that there is no easy money... unless you happen to play the lotto and hit for the jackpot first try. No there is no secret way that people use to start you making money easy and quick. The truth is they know the right people and have the right tools they've been doing this for years so of course it is "quick and easy!" But if you're not that fortunate then you happen to be one of the many that some guru's prey upon, the ones who want you to fall for a belief that you can have a life of luxury just handed to you.
Don't let this discourage you though because it is in fact possible to make good money online, just not as easy as one's would have you to believe! In order to make money online you have to build a strategy, you don't get paid unless something gets sold... so you are going to become a marketer, now are you going to market your products or market products for somebody else?
The most popular way for beginners to make money online is to promote someone else product as an affiliate. To do this I would suggest buying a domain name that is relevant to one of your keywords that you have chosen in your research... Yes you need to research before you dive head first into this. Next, you have to drive traffic but not just any traffic, you want to drive the traffic that is relevant to what you're selling or promoting.
You want to be able to drive traffic that is already interested in getting what you're selling. I also suggest that you only choose to promote products that you truly believe in as your reputation is on the line. Promoting a poor product can be a sure ending to your career before it even gets a chance to start! Now you must get seen and the way we do this is we put in some foot work! Write articles around your keywords and post them on your blog or website rewrite them, change the title and send them around to some good directories and there you have it... It's started!

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The Simple Way To Market Any Business

You've no doubt heard about the K.I.S.S. principle - "Keep it simple, Stupid." Or as I like to say... "keep it simple, silly."
K.I.S.S. has been around the block a few times. In fact, it was a design principle noted by the US Navy in the 1960s.
The phrase was coined by aircraft engineer Kelly Johnson. It's nice to note that Johnson was the lead engineer at the Lockheed Skunk Works (creators of the Lockheed U-2 and SR-71 spy planes).
Though the acronym has been used mostly by the US military, namely the U.S. Navy and United States Air Force, civilians, businesses and lots of other groups use it too.
Heck, I bet you've used it a few times yourself.
We all tend to over complicate things, including myself.
But I prefer simple any day and twice on Sunday. When tackling any problem, my number one rule is to start with the simple basics first (is the power on? Is the lamp is plugged into the electrical outlet?)
And you'd be amazed at how effective the simple way of doing things can be. After all, you can always complicate the hell out of things later, if you like.
You'll be pleased to learn "simple" also works in marketing your biz too! Truth be told, simple has taken me a long, long way in the marketing of my business.
Let me explain...
The Three Pillars Of Good Marketing
OK. Let's break this down into, you know, simple terms. You can easily and simply market any product or service if you examine the 3 pillars of marketing.
But before I go into details, I've got to give credit where credit is due. While, I'd love to think that I'm a marketing and advertising whizz, truth be told, I'm scratching the surface here.
What I have learned came from the true geniuses of the game. The guys who figured it out and have been in the marketing trenches for decades.
With that said, what you're about to learn came from marketing top-gun Dan Kennedy. I recommend that you get your hands on any books, programs or live events he puts on. It's nothing less than pure gold.
OK. On with the show. The pillars of good marketing are:
Let's talk briefly about each one.
Pillar 1. Message. This is the "what" you say to your prospects or clients. It's the communication part of the equation of good marketing. If you get this wrong, then your efforts won't necessarily fail but will suffer greatly in terms of results and sales.
Keep in mind, even if you have a great message and you shoot it to the wrong market, it's going to land upon deaf ears. And you're wasting marketing bullets... time, money and other resources.
Pillar 2. Market. The is the "who" you want to sell to. It's the group of people most likely to be interested and willing buy your stuff. These are the prospects you are communicating with and who will receive your sales messages (sales letters, print ads, landing pages etc.)
So, your mission is to match your message to the correct market using the correct media.
As you know privacy is essentially dead these days. So, getting the names and addresses for nearly any target market is a fairly simple process.
Mailing lists comes in all shapes and sizes today. If you know what market you want to go after, you're likely to find a list. It's just a matter of contacting a list broker and describing who you're looking for.
For example, If you are looking for people who are at least 7 feet tall, drive a BMW, live in South Carolina and subscribe to Psychology Today, you can get that list. It may not be a very large list, but nevertheless it still exists.
Pillar 3. Media. This the delivery system. It's the vehicle that your message rides in. Think: magazines, newspapers, newsletters, social media such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and list goes on forever it seems.
The best way to select which media to use, starts with the market. Are you targeting folks over the age of 65? There's a good chance they do not use social media as a primary medium.
Yes, they very well may have a Facebook account, but this is not their main means of communicating or staying in touch with others.
They do read the local paper and use their cell phone regularly. They probably listen to the radio and watch TV.
But the only way to truly know is to ask your clients and prospects.
How To Target Your Market
One popular way that business owners use to target their market is by geographic.
Using geographic marketing you choose your market based on a specific location, for example, businesses within a 10-mile radius. This is a very simple way to choose your targets but it's like dropping flyers out of a plane and hoping one lands with the right person.
Yes, a bit of an exaggeration but with a few simple tweaks, you can make your geographic marketing more effective. And you can do this by using...
... Demographic targeting. Demographic targeting is selecting people by age, gender, how much money they have, whether they are conservative or liberal, or what religion they are, single or married and so on.
Next, you have psychographics. Psychographics deals customer behavior, attitudes, interests and lifestyles. It's useful when segmenting your market. This can be very powerful (and effective). Plus, it allows you to customize your marketing messages based on whatever market segment you are going after.
Hey, you could combine all three. And many of the cloud based programs, such as Adobe Marketing Cloud, Salesforce, HubSpot, Marketing 360 and more do just that. You could also check some of the open source solutions.
Again, you don't have to get all "techie" just be sure you have details such as their contact info, and carefully track how much they spend, what they buy and how often. Simple with Excel.
Of course, I could go way deep into this topic, but staying the "simple" approach, suffice to say keep good customer lists, learn what your prospects and clients want and become the "go-to" company that fills their needs.
So, the next time you start a new marketing campaign, consider the ideas presented here. If you are tired of dumping big bucks down the advertising toilet and you'd like more profitable results, then I encourage you to give me a shout. Do you have questions about this article or would like to see a subject covered? Again, just shoot me a line. I'm always happy to help.
Yours for higher response,

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The 4 Elements Of A Great Headline

Without a shadow of a doubt, the headline is the most important part of any advertisement.
Reason being, if people read the headline and it doesn't appeal to them, they're not going to read the rest of your ad. And if they don't read the rest of your ad, then they can't buy your product.
The headline is god damn important!
Which raises the question... what exactly makes for a great headline?
It's a fantastic question... and in the hopes of shedding some light on the matter, I'm going to reveal the 4 elements that I believe make up a great headline.
Now, before I get into what exactly these 4 elements are... I should note one slight caveat. Not all great headlines contain all 4 of these elements.
Some only contain 2.
Some even only have 1.
But they are, in my humble opinion, the exceptions to the rule. And if you can pack your headlines with the 4 elements I'm about to reveal... and you keep your headline within your prospects world... then you CANNOT go wrong!
So I've blabbered on enough already... and by this point you're probably yelling at your monitor... "Get to the 4 elements already!"
Okay... Okay...
If you insist.
The 4 elements of a great headline are:
Self interest (benefit)
Instant gratification (Quick and easy way to... )
I'll dive into each of those elements in a little more detail shortly... but first... perhaps the easiest way to explain what I mean by each of these elements is to show you them in action.
So here's a fantastic headline from John Carlton that he wrote for a golf product, that contains each of these 4 elements.
Amazing Secret Discovered By One-Legged Golfer Adds 50 Yards To Your Drives, Eliminates Hooks And Slices... And Can Slash Up To 10 Strokes From Your Game Almost Overnight!
Now, if you were a golfer (perhaps you are... ), there is no way in hell you wouldn't read the rest of that ad.
Reason being, the headline contains each of the 4 crucial elements that make up a great headline.
Let's quickly break it down.
Amazing Secret Discovered By One-Legged Golfer - Curiosity + News
Adds 50 Yards To your Drives, Eliminates Hooks And Slices... And Can Slash Up To 10 Strokes From Your Game - Self Interest (Big Benefit)
Almost Overnight! - Instant Gratification
Let's pick a headline at random from my headline swipe file
Okay... let's see...
I'm not entirely sure who wrote this one, but it's pretty good.
Medical Breakthrough Offers Arthritis Pain Relief To Millions! Try it Free!
Medical Breakthrough - News
Offers Arthritis Pain Relief To Millions! Try it Free! - Self Interest (big benefit)
The headline incites curiosity through being non-specific, only eluding to some sort of medical breakthrough.
The only element really missing from the headline is Instant Gratification.
Perhaps the headline could be improved with addition of the word "fast".
Medical Breakthrough Offers Fast Arthritis Pain Relief To Millions! Try it Free!
Of course, I'm not familiar with the product this headline is selling... so maybe it doesn't offer "fast" pain relief... but if it did... it seems like it would certainly be worth testing the headline out with the word fast added to it.
So now I've revealed each of the elements that make up a great headline, let's get down to why these elements are so important.
We'll start with curiosity.
Now it may come as a shock to you... but the main purpose of a headline is not to sell the product. If it can help do so, then this is great... but it's not the main purpose.
No. The main purpose of an advertisements headline should be to get the reader to read the ads opening sentence. And the purpose of the main purpose of opening sentence should be to get the reader to read the next line of the ad. And so on, and so on.
And one of the best ways to grab the reader's attention, and make them want to read the entire ad, is to incite curiosity in your reader's mind.
Curiosity is an incredibly powerful force.
In fact, I believe it to be the most powerful emotion in advertising.
Perhaps the best way to get someone (especially children) to take some sort of action, is to tell them not to do sometime... but not tell them why they shouldn't do it.
More often than not, their curiosity will get the better of them, and they will do it anyway just to see what happens.
Which is why you should always include some sort of curiosity element in your headline. Whether that be mentioning a secret that a one legged golfer discovered, or eluding to some sort of medical breakthrough, you should always include curiosity.
Next up is self interest.
Now the reason why you should include self interest in your headlines should be blindingly obvious.
As the great salesman Zig Ziglar often said. "All your prospects listen to the same radio station. WIIFM... What's In It For Me?"
People, unsurprisingly, are interested in reading about, and buying, things that can benefit them. So be sure to include some self interest in your headline.
Moving onto the next element, News.
People love to reading about news. So include some news in your advertisement.
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, there's nothing really new about the product I'm selling that I can write about... And to that I say nonsense!
You ever heard that saying "that's news to me!"
Of course you have!
Well let your mind chew on that for a second.
There may be nothing NEW about the product you're selling to you. But when it comes to writing an advertisement, forget about YOU and think about WHO is going to be reading your advertisement.
The reader likely doesn't know absolutely everything about your product... so tell them something that is news to them.
And finally... last but not least... the 4th element that makes up a great headline... Instant Gratification.
What do we want? GRATIFICATION!
When do we want it? NOW!
And in the age of smartphones with 24/7 access to email and social media, and same day Amazon deliveries... now more than ever... we're living in the age of instant gratification.
Most people don't like to think about having to work hard, and put in time and effort to solve their problems.
People want the quick fix.
It why cliched headlines like "one weird trick to quickly... " work so well.
So give them what they want and find away to add some sort of instant gratification element to your headline.
And on that note, that about wraps things up for today.
Have a go at crafting your own headlines with those 4 elements and see how they perform.
I'd wager they'll do pretty damn good!

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How To Make Boring Businesses Exciting

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone got as excited about your company as you are? Unfortunately some businesses just aren't very sexy; in fact, some businesses are downright boring. As a consequence, companies that sell commodity products and routine services tend to rely on presentations that load-up on features, specifications, and statistics that may be relevant to anal-retentive types, but hardly compelling to the vast majority of your audience.
There is no reason why every company can't deliver an exciting image to its audience; one that generates the kind of buzz and excitement usually associated with companies like Apple, Victoria's Secret, Benetton, Absolut Vodka, and Sony.
It may seem impossible to produce a whole lot of steam for things like sand paper, accounting services, and facial tissue, but thanks to the Web and it's extraordinary ability to deliver multimedia content, even the most mundane offerings can get hearts racing and the blogosphere blogging.
Emotional Experiences Connect
Let's take facial tissue as an example; it is one of the most common, boring everyday products you can imagine. There is just not much you can do to sell this stuff other than telling people yours is softer and cheaper than the other guys, but then the other guy is saying the same thing; the result, consumers buy whatever is on sale. But wait, the clever fellows at Kimberly-Clark instituted a brilliant website campaign for their facial tissue, called "Kleenex - let it out."
The campaign zeros in on the emotional experience associated with why people use facial tissue: to wipe away tears of joy or sadness or maybe to clean-up cute little runny noses - in each case the result of some moving event.
Tapping into this emotional association is key to the Kleenex campaign and key to your new thinking on how to make your boring stuff, exciting.
Video - The Best Way To Tell A Story
The Kleenex campaign features prominent videos of articulate people telling their personal stories, all resulting in the need to use a facial tissue.
A pregnant woman discusses the emotional impact of having a child and as her eyes begin to tear, the interviewer hands her a Kleenex. A second video features another well-spoken woman talking about her return to New Orleans after the devastation of hurricane Katrina. Again as the woman becomes emotional and begins to cry, the interviewer hands her a tissue. Nothing more needs to be said, this is very powerful story telling that connects to the audience and delivers an image of the brand as caring and sensitive; the exact kind of impression the company wants to portray.
Even companies that aren't exactly dead-from-the-neck-up boring can benefit from this approach. The Home Depot ran a series of advertisements with a husband showing his wife a series of power tools that he wanted. Rather than try to convince his wife, and by association all the wives in the audience, that he needs another expensive toy, the husband points to each tool and states, "this is your new shelving unit" and "this one is your new kitchen" - a far more dramatic and effective way to make the case for a new purchase.
You can deliver the same kind of powerful marketing messages for your own company by presenting Web-based videos that follow a few very simple guidelines.
Six Steps To Turn Boring Into Exciting
1. Use People to Sell People
There is no substitute for people. Human beings are capable of communicating with an enormous degree of nuance and subtlety, using voice, expression, body language, and gesture; no animation, avatar, or artificial substitute can take the place of a real person for communicating meaningful, memorable marketing messages.
With relatively easy-to-use production tools anyone can create a video, but not necessarily one that delivers the message or image that your company wants to present. We have seen far too many poor quality efforts both on the Web and even on local television, where company presidents with bad haircuts and ill-fitting suits, uttering nonsense-riddled scripts in zombie-like performances expose themselves to audiences expecting more, much more.
Skilled performers communicate in very subtle ways to an audience, and only the well-practiced professional has the experience and capability to deliver the intended experience. The cost of saving money by doing-it-yourself or with amateurs can result in delivering an unintended message that may undermine the impression and image you are trying to create.
2. Perception Is Reality Use Scripted Professionals
You will notice that I described the women in the facial tissue videos as articulate. Now I cannot tell you if these women were actors or not, or that their powerful presentations were scripted, but if I had to guess, I would say these very effective videos were about as carefully produced and constructed as the latest episode of 'Survivor' that by no means makes them any less effective.
The point here is that perception is reality, and the professional filmmaker knows how to tell a story and communicate a message; and that is not the same thing as being able to turn on a video camera.
3. Tell A Memorable Story
When we talk about companies telling their story, it is important to distinguish between the company's history and the emotional experiences generated by the product or service.
Company histories can make for interesting videos and can produce a sense of trust associated with being in business for a considerable length of time, but that sort of presentation does not speak to the underlying emotional and psychological factors that actually trigger a sale.
It is difficult but imperative that businesses understand that marketing is not about you, or even the product or service, it's about the audience.
Like the Kleenex videos and the Home Depot commercials, every product and service that is purchased from your company represents an experience, a story that relates to your audience's aspirations and needs. It is the audience's story that demonstrates credibility, clarifies purpose, penetrates memory, and makes the message compelling.
4. Create An Emotional Experience
The vast majority of decisions we make are colored by the emotional relevance associated with those decisions. No doubt rational factors figure into our decision-making process, but the pivotal factors that attract the use of one product over another are emotional.
If you're not connecting to your audience on an emotional level, then you are left with a commodity that can only be sold on price and features, and unless you're a monopoly, there will always be some competitor willing to offer your customers more for less.
When presenting your product or service it is important to tap into an emotional element that your audience can relate to as its key purchasing decision factor. When people purchase boring accounting services and software, what they're really buying is an improved life style for their families. It really doesn't matter what you sell, if you look hard enough, you can find the emotional benefit that should be the central element of your marketing message.
5. Create a Believable Relevant Personality
Part of the process of connecting with your audience is creating an appropriate personality for your company. Many corporations today believe in the cult of management personality but this is a dangerous game. Your company needs a personality of it's own, one that is distinctive and that will stand alone and not be dependent on senior management's ego and self-promotion.
Web-video marketing campaigns provide a vehicle that allows companies to create appropriate personalities that engage, inform and entertain your audience in ways that establish your identity and create the basis for a prosperous business relationship.
Clever marketing can create a corporate personality but it is imperative that you follow through and deliver that personality in all aspects of your relationship with your audience. Producing a campaign that promises one thing and a website, staff, and product that delivers another is one of the easiest ways to alienate customers.
6. Deliver A Critical Hot Button Moment
Web-video presentations need to focus on single issues that are driven home by the addition of a hot button moment or punch line. Remember you are telling your audience a story that needs a beginning, middle and end. That story should build to climax and deliver the point in a single memorable moment.
The era of point form slide presentations is dead, along with the laundry list of benefits approach.
Creativity, personality, and the ability to communication and develop an emotional connection to your audience through the use of Web-video campaigns has the potential to turn even the most lackluster company into a vibrant and exciting marketing business.

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5 Easy Ways to Make Money at Home

There are many ways to make money at home. How much you make will be a direct result of how much time and effort you put into it. The following all require very little in the way of start up costs (if anything) and skill. Be sure to check local ordinances for any possible licensing rules.
1. Child care - Some call it 'babysitting', but people pay more for it when it's called child care. If you have a big enough home you can watch kids. Some localities have strict rules, but they are usually not hard to follow. Charge by the hour, and include meals and snacks. If you really want to get a lot of business, watch kids for parents who work odd hours, when traditional day care centers are closed.
2. Tutoring - Good at math? Have a good grasp of history? If so, then helping struggling students can put plenty of money in your pocket. Put an ad in your local paper, and let schools in your area know of your services. Tutor at the students home, or library. You can charge an hourly fee, and if you are confident of your abilities include a guarantee of better grades for your students.
3. Auto detailing - This is like cleaning a car on overdrive. It is more than washing and waxing someone else's car. You will get into every nook and cranny to remove dust, get stains out the upholstery and floors, and maybe even clean engines. The cleaner you get it, the better. You can charge a few $100 for a "basic" package and have add-ons for additional income.
4. Laundry service - Laundry piles up for many people during the week, and for others washing isn't a problem, but they dread sorting, stain treating, and folding it. Offering these services to people in your area can keep you very busy. Be sure to read each clothing label carefully. Charge by the pound or by the load. Have customers drop their laundry off or charge extra for pick up and delivery.
5. Computer help - This one may take less technical know-how than you may think. Do you know how to back up files, install software, update anti-virus definitions, defragment a hard drive, upload photos, etc? If so, then there's an excellent chance you know more than a lot of computer users. What you may think of as simple or routine, others don't understand at all. You can provide these services at a flat rate, based on the task, or hourly if you prefer.
These are just five of the many different possibilities. If you would like to make money at home, then you can do it. Look around, see what you can do that people need done. Then smile at all the money you are making from doing such simple things.

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7 Key Emotions That Make Customers Buy From You

The buying behaviour of customers is connected their emotions. People buy with their emotions and then justify that decision with logic. Your website and online sales pages need to use the right words to stir up emotion in your readers.
There are 7 key types of emotional factors that make customers buy products and services. Once you understand these emotions, and then relate to your products and services in a way that makes your prospects feel those emotions, it will get them to take action.
It might seem odd to want your potential customers to be angry. But, you can stimulate anger in your sales duplicate by making them angry about what is happening to them with regards to their problem. You can then focus the anger they feel toward the situation to drive them to buy your solutions.
Evoking fear gets results. There are a number of ways to stimulate feelings of fear. One of them is fear of missing out. Place emphasis on the risk of not buying your offer. For instance, the price is going to increase, or you're only making it possible for 10 customers to buy the product or service.
You want your audience to feel disgusted about the problem and not the solution. You can guide them toward your solution and the information you provide to lift the disgust and make a big difference in their lives.
Generally, this is reserved for political ads. Using contempt in your descriptions and marketing can cause some controversy. But, sometimes controversy can be a popular element that gets people talking.
When you sell joy, you'll want to focus on the benefits of your products as much as you can. Focus on not only the product's benefits now but also on the joy your buyer will feel later.
You can use sadness in several ways. For example, this is used with fundraising for pets. They show you pictures of a lot of sad pets and then, of course, you have to get out your credit card to help those animals.You can use sadness by showing the sadness of people before they bought your product or used your service.
It's challenging to use surprise in copy-writing but surprise can get the attention of your audience, which will help keep them engaged. One way to surprise people is to deliver more on what you promised. By doing this, they'll recommend you to others because it was something that they were not expecting.

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5 Advanced Twitter Lead Generation Tips

If you tweet regularly, use image and videos often, and socialize more than you sell, you can generate a lot of leads on Twitter. You should also use plenty of keywords and hashtags you want to be found for in your Twitter bio. You need to generate an engaging cover photo that includes a call to action, and you should be tweeting, retweeting and interacting with your followers and prospects daily.
Those tried-and-true but simple tactics work well to build an email list or prospect pool. When you want to harness the full lead-capture ability of Twitter, you need to use some proven advanced tactics. The following Twitter lead-generation tips and strategies are the ones the pros use every day to maximize their efforts on the world's second-largest social media site.
1 - Approach Lead-Generation Tweets Differently
If you are just tweeting for engagement, you can create some catchy text, a hashtag or two, an image, and you are ready to go. When you attempt to use tweets to create leads, you have to take a little different approach if you want your efforts to succeed.
Lead-gen tweets deliver the best results when they are simple and straightforward. Make them as short as possible, and don't worry about using all your allotted characters. The attention span of web surfers is short and is getting shorter all the time. When your message is to the point, and you have a clear call to action (CTA), like a link to your email opt-in page, you will get better performance than a long update that is ambiguous and unclear.
Use the link-shortening website to make your actionable link as short as possible. If your clickable link is awkward and ugly, this can actually lower your click through rate. Don't include multiple mentions or links. Just 1 CTA, clear direction about what to do, a catchy image and a short message combine to make a high-performance lead-gen tweet.
2 - Try Twitter Cards
Twitter has a feature that is custom-made for generating leads. Twitter Lead Generation Cards work so well because they allow you to add people to your email list or prospect pool without them having to leave Twitter. People on social media sites are there to hang out and socialize. They don't always like the idea of being removed from their favorite social media hangout.
Twitter Cards, among other excellent features, have the ability to generate leads without your prospects feeling as if they are being routed through some sales funnel. As Twitter states:
- "With Twitter Cards, you can attach rich photos, videos, and media experience to Tweets that drive traffic to your website. Simply add a few lines of HTML to your web page, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a 'Card' added to the Tweet that's visible to all their followers."
This means a Twitter user, whether they are a follower of yours or not, can join your email newsletter, buy a product or service, download an application or perform some other actions without moving off their Twitter feed. This makes them feel comfortable, not like they are being sold to or manipulated.
The fewer steps a prospect must take for you to get them to take the required action, the higher your odds of making the conversion you seek. There are 8 different Twitter Cards, and each of them offers different lead-gen properties. Buffer has created a Twitter Card primer to help get you started.
3 - Twitter's Search Box Can Be Used To Generate Content Ideas
Twitter moves a mile a minute, especially when you have a large group of followers. The average tweet stays on-screen approximately 30 seconds, and if your followers are active, it may not even last that long. This means it is crucial to link your tweets to topics and subjects that are driving engagement right now.
You can use Twitter's search feature to discover what topics are currently red-hot. Then you simply come up with a clever way to attach your call to action, tweet topic or lead-generating link to subjects that are getting a lot of action. Take the following steps to come up with fresh ideas about what to tweet about, while also using trending topics to improve your click through rate and lead-gen success.
  • Go to Twitter Search
  • Across the bottom of the way, you will see several hashtags, words, and phrases listed under a section titled "Trends for You."
  • These are the trending topics which are lighting up the Twitterverse. Find one that relates to your industry or niche, or one of the red-hot topics that you can somehow relate to your message.
  • You can also search for an industry keyword, hashtag or phrase you are trying to be found for, and see what people are saying about it right now. You need to heed a word of warning here. Blindly attaching your tweet to an irrelevant topic, even though it is popular right now, can do more than good.
4 - Use Twitter Advanced SearchYou just learned an advanced tactic for using Twitter's basic search feature to generate leads. Now you are going to step up your game, using a veteran tactic that harnesses even more power from Twitter search.
This an excellent targeting feature which allows you to see anyone that is currently on Twitter who matches a set of selection data you enter. A London-based company could immediately target other Twitter users in London, and you can also look for people who made specific statements or asked particular questions.
Head over to
Enter your search term. For example, you can look for people who have searched for "I need a London, SEO specialist." You can then add date ranges to keep your data relevant and updated, and filter according to specific Twitter accounts. You can also limit your results to negative or positive input, retweets, questions and other information. Use this feature to find any and every tweet mentioning your username or the username of industry leaders in your field.
5 - Schedule and Automate Your Tweets
As a business owner, you have a lot to do. If you are a one man or one woman operation, like so many Internet entrepreneurs and coffee-table business owners, you may find it harder than most to create the free time needed for your Twitter lead-gen tasks. Unlike some other social media networks, Twitter requires that you continually post content, if your marketing efforts are going to pay off. You will find that 5 to 10 tweets each day, spread out over an 8 to 12-hour time-frame, will provide the biggest bang for your lead-gen buck.
Beginners to Twitter often find this daunting.
One way to ensure you are regularly and consistently posting content is to do so on your smart phone. It only takes a few seconds to retweet the content of others, mention a particular user, or create and publish a brand-new tweet. However, even if you are pretty quick at tweeting and interacting with others on Twitter, your time investment can still add up.
That's why you should consider using the following Twitter automation tools to schedule your tweeting and lead-generation efforts for you. They allow you to schedule new updates and republish your most popular content for dates and times in the future. This means a once a week you could spend an hour or so creating and scheduling your Twitter content delivery, and then the following software suites and applications take care of the process for you on autopilot.
  • CoSchedule - This marketing calendar does more than just allow you to schedule your updates on Twitter and other social media sites. Their editorial calendar gives you the ability to plan your social updates for immediate delivery or schedule them for later. Also, you can publish at those times which have proven to provide maximum interaction, and you can upload large amounts of updates and previous tweets to be republished on a regular schedule.
  • Buffer - This is one of the most popular social media management applications. You can handle your Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts from one dashboard. With this app, it is easy to plan the delivery of your updates for a later time, including videos and images.
  • Social Oomph - Put simply, this is an effective social media scheduling tool. It works with Twitter and other popular social media networks, allowing you to monitor and track mentions, retweets, keywords, hashtags and other data. It has a built-in linkshortener, so you have more room in your tweet for your message, rather than a link.
  • PostPlanner - You can tell from the name exactly what this application does. Instead of just planning and scheduling your content for you, which is evident from the name, you can additionally use this app to find out what keywords and hashtags are generating the most interest. One of many nice features is that PostPlanner knows the best time to post, and it will automatically share and retweet great content.

How to Make Money Easy Online: The Truth About "Easy" and "Fast"

Everyone is looking for how to make money easy online; however, the average person is kept in the dark about how difficult it actually can be.
And why shouldn't people believe in "easy online money"? After all, nearly every capture page you see out there for the "best way to earn money online" mentions making it "easy", or learning how to make "$1,000 in a day"... you know what I mean.
And, of course, the average person might think, "Yeah, right, there's no way ANYONE can bring in THAT kind of money"... yet people do.
In fact, my daughter is now making a monthly income of around $50K, and she began making $10,000 last year - so once you get going and know what you're doing, you ramp up fast... and it IS entirely possible.
Still others look at that same capture page and see the words "make money easy online"...
... And they're instantly hooked, entering their email address and watching for every online training course coming their way...
And, personally, I don't like the hype thing, because people will get all revved up with excitement and motivation... for about a couple of days...
... But what goes up also comes down.
Legit ways to earn money online have to do with creating habits of doing the right thing to get your link to your capture page noticed. And, the professional marketers out there will tell you about 80% of the stuff you create won't ever create leads.
Yet there's other stuff you'll be creating that has the potential of going viral. And, contrary to popular belief, there's really a science to it - it's not just dumb luck.
Learning the best way to earn money online takes a lot of time OR a lot of money, or both...
Free marketing strategies are only "free" in the sense that you don't spend money. But you DO spend time - a LOT of time.
And, although it's no unheard of that people can grow their online income to where they're collecting a full-time income to live on - ALL from free marketing, it IS rare.
The vast majority of successful online marketers use paid marketing strategies. Some got their start way before Google ppc clamped down on the industry. These days pay-per-click costs a fortune.
The bad news is that, even after you pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to advertise, you COULD lose a LOT of money if you don't know what you're doing.
Paid advertising is a science that needs to be learned, and professional marketers have paid the price in both dollars and time to learn what sells and what doesn't.
Up until now, online marketers had to spend thousands of dollars trying to find the right paid marketing strategy that works, and practicing on creating the right "ad copy" (WORDS THAT SELL)...
And, of course, knowledge is power and we encourage you to learn the best way to earn money online for YOU. (There are hundreds of different ways, and we're all different so what works for one person is not likely to work for another).
The problem has always been that people stop being MOTIVATED within days if they don't see results right away. And then what happens? They QUIT!

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