Article Submission - Free Traffic For All Businesses

Are you a business owner that has been struggling to build traffic to your business? Then it is imperative to be aware that free traffic is what article submission can mean for your business.

Articles are one of the most effective ways to get visitors to your site because it provides them with quality free information. Once they read your article, if they like what they read, then they will be more likely to visit.

You just have to be sure that you provide quality articles. Otherwise, for bringing traffic to your business they won't be effective.

One of the main things that you need for any good article is keywords. You don't want to use more than two per article.

The keywords will help you determine the topic of your article. They are also the words that the search engines will use to know where to place your site in their free organic search results.

You have to be sure that you choose keywords to use that are related to your business. That way you will be targeting the customers that you need to come to your site.

For example, if someone gets online looking for information about dog training and you write an article about that, then this will give them good information for free.

However, if your resource box is promoting your business for golf clubs, then the reader will become confused because they expected something in their about dogs. The article keywords, subject and resource box all need to be similar, or you will not get any traffic from using this method.

Now, once you have the article written, you need to get it submitted to as many article directories as you can. The directories listing your site are how you will build back links to your site.

It is also one of the ways that people will find your article, so they can visit your site. The more article directories you get your article onto, the more exposure you will get for your site and this means the more traffic you will be able to generate.

Other places that you can submit articles to include forums, that let you, blogs, including your own and social network marketing sites. The more places you find to place your article, the better your traffic results will be.

Now that you are aware how article submission will mean free traffic to your business, you need to be sure you start using this method immediately. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will be able to generate all of the traffic you will need, so you can be on your way to success with your business.

Benefits Any Business Will Receive From Small Business SEO

Do you have a small business that you are doing everything you can to make successful? Then it is imperative that you understand the benefits that small business seo can provide for your particular business.

The following are the benefits that you have to be aware of the most.

One: Increase in traffic - Traffic is one of the most imperative things for any business to achieve success. Without enough traffic, you will never have enough customers and this means you won't be making enough money.

For a business to achieve success, all of these things are essential. With seo for your small business, you will be able to easily increase traffic to your business.

One of the top reasons to use search engine optimization is because this will provide you with a long term marketing method. That means that any steps you take now for seo will also give you traffic in the future, from work that was done one time.

The more seo you do or have a company do for you, the more traffic you will receive in the immediate future and for a long time to come.

Two: Increase in income - When you are able to increase your traffic to the business, you will easily be able to also increase your income. The more traffic you get to the business, the more customers you will get that are willing to spend their money with you.

Traffic is the only way you will be able to get customers and increase your income. For many business owners this is one of the biggest benefits and one of the top reasons that many decide to use seo for their business.

Three: Traffic will keep coming back - The work that you do now, will bring traffic to your business far into the future. The longer you use seo and the more effort that is put into it, the more traffic you will be able to get from your hard work and efforts.

Plus over time, maintaining the level of traffic will become much easier for any business owner to do. You just have to realize that effective seo will take time to start bringing traffic to your business, so don't give up before you give this marketing method a chance to work correctly for you.

These are just a handful of the benefits small business seo will provide for any business. Now, you just need to make up your mind about whether to use seo for your small business. Be sure you consider these benefits carefully, so you make the wise choice, but remember that seo will only help your business grow, which will help you achieve your success goal.

Successful Business Blogging – Using Time Wisely

Business blogging has become very popular online and for good reason. From large corporations right down to the individual business entrepreneur blogging sites are being used as their primary marketing platform. The ease of use and flexibility these platforms offer is hard to ignore or beat. Even though creating and managing most blogging sites is a relatively simple thing to do, they still can consume a good portion of the day if they are to be maintained properly. There are several areas that can steal time from you when working online but many can be eliminated with the willingness to do so and knowing where to look!

Here are a 5 tips for any business entrepreneur on how to better manage time when marketing off a blog to help you get the most out of the site and your own efforts!

Limit Social Networking

Even if you are using social networking for generating traffic you must monitor your use since these sites can definitely 'eat up' the clock. As a business entrepreneur you must have a plan for everything you do including working on social sites. Remember your objectives and stick to your plan when you are social networking.

Research Instead of Surfing

When going online to conduct 'research' it is oh so tempting to begin surfing 'aimlessly' and the next thing you know it is past midnight! Discipline yourself to maintain focus when searching for information and you will find you locate it quicker and probably get more done in the day! Most blogging sites have a list of maintenance functions that need to be tended to so busy yourself on those and be more productive.

Email Can Wait

Further Your Education

Whether it is concerning your marketing strategy or issues within your niche, there is always something new to learn so provide for this in your busy schedule! The more you better yourself the more prosperous you can expect to be on your blog!

Create More Timeless Content

Whether it is for updating your blog or for marketing purposes make an effort to develop as much 'timeless' content as you can. By doing so it will maintain its popularity whether it is posted to your site or is circulating around on the internet. In this way you will get much better results for your efforts!

Business blogging can be a very profitable way to market online although blogging sites by and large do require a good investment of time to be maintained properly. In most cases the typical business entrepreneur can increase their efficiency by avoiding some of the common 'traps' that can be found when working online. The tips offered above serve to help you identify not only those areas most likely to waste much of your day but also how to better manage time so your blog becomes the 'shining' star' of your niche!
One of the best ways to better manage time when working online is to quit checking your email so often. What is really occurring when you do this is you are subconsciously procrastinating! Think about it for a moment, what the heck is so important in your email that it can not wait?

Pay-Per Click Ad Campaign: Earn More By Spending Less

What is "Pay-Per Click"? "Pay-Per Click", is an easy to understand advertising strategy. There are around 300 million searches at major search engines everyday. This causes 80% of internet traffic. Placing your websites on these search engines is very important in reaching as many potential customers as possible. But in order to be seen and clicked most frequently, your website should be viewed at the top most of the search list. Most people only reach up to the third page of a search engine so the lower your rank, the lesser the chance you will be clicked. In "Pay-Per Click" advertising, you pay to be always visible on the internet. You select keywords or key phrases about your website, and the highest bidder ranks the best. There is no upfront cost. You only pay after a visitor clicks your link. This is why it is called "Pay-Per Click".

Everyday millions of people around the world click on Pay-Per Click Advertising Campaign. With the booming internet industry and the ever growing online business, an ad of virtually anybody on the planet can be seen on the internet anywhere in the world.The "Pay-Per Click" advertising campaign is the premier growth area in online marketing. Last year, an estimated $741.2 million was spent on "Pay-Per Click" advertising. The usual search engine optimization can take weeks or even months to produce results. "Pay-Per Click" advertising can attract customers at an instant. Why? Because, this cutting edge ad campaign can be placed on any website and can be viewed by potential online customers, anywhere, anytime and all the time. The only challenge is placing the ads on proper websites that will attract possible customers for a specific product or services.

"Pay-Per Click" advertising campaign attracts the right consumers at the shortest possible time. This is the most cost effective way of marketing products or services. You can also monitor the customers who visit your site, what they are looking for and what they are buying. With the right creativity on using the right search-phrases, we can direct the right people who are willing to do business with us.

"Pay-Per Click" advertising can easily be managed 24 hours per day and 7 days a week through the internet. This allows you improve the campaign strategy by effectively responding to the activities of both customers and competitors.So what are you waiting for? "Pay-Per Click" now and let your business take the fast route to success.

How To Achieve Success With Any Home Online Opportunity

Have you started your own business using a home online opportunity, but now you are wondering how you can ensure you achieve success with it? Then you need to know the ways you can use to easily achieve this goal.

First, you need to understand that it will not be easy to do. It will also take hard work, time and effort to achieve your goal, but it will be well worth it when you have achieved the success that you always dreamed you could.

Here are the best ways you can use to achieve success with any business from home. 1.. Become a home business student - This is vital to anyone achieving success because if you don't know how to build a business, then you will never make your dream come true. It is important to give yourself time to educate yourself on marketing and so many other things that are vital to achieving success.

Learn things one at a time, or you can quickly overwhelm yourself and end up giving up like so many other people have.

2. Marketing - This is vital to achieving success because this is how you will get customers. Without customers, you will never make money at all. You want to market your business using as many methods as you are able to.

Again, be sure to educate yourself on them and use them one method at a time, so you can be sure they are being used effectively. This will take time and hard work, but it is one of the most vital keys to achieving your dreams.

3. Willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed - There will be many obstacles that stand in your way of achieving success. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true, otherwise, you will quickly find yourself giving up.

You have to want success bad enough if you really want to achieve it. This will help you overcome anything that stands in your way, no matter how hard it may seem to get over, under or around them.

A desire to succeed is the one thing that many people lack, but it is also one of the most vital things needed if you are serious about succeeding. These are the best ways you can use to help you achieve success with any home online opportunity that you use to start your business. Just remember that hard work, effort, time, patience and many other things will be required, so make sure you are ready for this. Otherwise, like so many other people these days, you will struggle to be successful.

How To Grow Your MLM Business Following This Simple System

Getting more leads is the only real way way to grow your network marketing businsess. This is easy to understand, but more difficult to do.

I would suggest that if you followed this simple system you could get more leads and grow your business more easily.

Here is what I do.

1. Article marketing. Write and submit articles to online article directories.

I like to use Submit Your Article because they have a program where you can develop unique versions of each article very quickly. If you can talk you can write articles and submit them on the Internet. It just takes a little time and practice.

Your goal in article marketing is to get the reader down to your resource box. In that resource box you include a link to your landing page or website with a sign up form to join your mailing list.

2. Landing page. You should promote this separately from your website. You should also have a sign up form on your web site above the fold where people can easily find it.

Offer something of value that would entice a person to give you their name and email address. That is all you need from them.

3. Autoresponder. I like Aweber. I know some people use others that are good too. You need a series of email messages that you pre load for follow up.

Your goal is to educate your subscriber and to build your credibility. Over time you will build relationships with your subscribers.

These are your best prospects and they will identify themselves by the questions they email you. Always take the time to reply back.

4. The telephone. If you want to sponsor more people offer to call your prospects. Most mlm companies have a system for getting a prospects phone number.

You do not need to do that. Just get their email address and name so you can follow by autoresponder. When a prospect completes a form on your company website they will give you their number.

All you do is call them and find out what they want. Why are they looking at starting a business of their own? What is their goals? How can you help?

Setting up this simple mlm business system is not hard to do. Doing the work is the hard part.

However, if you focus on building your own mailing list you will always have prospects. In most mlm companies you only need a handful of go getters to make very good money.

Once you get one program going you can add another one. The beauty of the Internet is you can now promote multiple network marketing opportunities and create multiple streams of income doing it.

Home Business Ideas To Start Right Away


People are in an active mode right now thanks to the new year. Let's do it now is the thinking as opposed to the future.

Here are 4 ideas to check out if you would like to start a home business right away.

1. Auto Blogging. A smart way to run a business today is to set up a blog to run on autopilot.

Your goal is to make a little bit of money on a large number of blogs. Once you get a system in place you can build as many blogs as you want every month.

The key is to set them up with a small amount of fresh content initially. Then monetize your blog with affiliate products. Finally you will set your blog up to automatically receive content while you work at starting another blog.

2. Blog Writing. This is a good business to start because of the demand.

You can sit at home and write blog articles for other Internet marketers all day long. Because there are millions of blogs that need articles added to them right now you are only limited by the amount of time you want to spend.

This is a business you can do part time, or build into a full time income. This is a solid one to start right now when it comes to home business ideas.

3. MLM Business. Thanks to the Internet network marketing is something anyone can do now.

This is truly a home based business because you do not need to leave your home to make money. You can set it up as an ebusiness and sell products and sponsor new distributors 100% online.

4. Affiliate Marketing. There are many ways to go about making money as an affiliate marketer.

You can focus strictly on pay per click affiliate programs and get paid that way. You can join cost per action programs and make money getting leads for advertisers.

Of course you can sell both physical affiliate products or digital information. Amazon and Click Bank are the best places to go for this.

There are two tier affiliate programs you can join and make money recruiting affiliates. This is good for affiliate marketers who would like to build their own team without developing a product or affiliate program of their own.

These are 4 home business ideas than anyone can get started with today. If you have any doubts about how to go about getting started go to a discussion forums such as the Warrior Forum and watch how other Internet marketers are doing it.

Extra Income Through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is the fastest growing industry on the Internet today. Extra Income made through this channel runs into billions of dollars yearly. Many people get involved in it without a solid plan for success. Indeed, many want to earn extra income using affiliate marketing, albeit without a real base plan, which is the most important reason for most being unsuccessful at it. Do you really look at any earning without understanding or planning the future of any business, be it at work or at earning extra income?

Don not be under any misconceptions, though affiliate marketing is an easy and entertaining way to earn extra income, it is serious work, and just like any other job that requires effort, perseverance, and above all, a clear line of sight and plan of action from start to finish line.

Small things like setting up your home office properly, getting up to date on know-how, setting achievable goals, making people connections, and investment in your business will ensure that you are one-up on your competition, and also make sure that you firmly stand over them.

Home Office Setup

The most important step to take before becoming an affiliate marketer is to set up your base – little home office you’ve always wanted.

You can find many resources on the internet about ergonomic design. Ergonomic because anyone intending to spend a major amount of time working on their computers need space which promotes good posture at the same time takes care of safety issues involving their office workspace.

Learning the Trade

Nobody gets into work untrained. Even when you applied for your first job, you had made sure that you are qualified and can do justice to it. Putting in a nutshell, no one hires you for giving you a free extra income without basic training.

What you need then, is to get some training on how to become a professional affiliate marketer. You can start by finding another one and check what they can do to help you. There are many professional affiliate marketers already earning a substantial extra income, who would be willing to teach you by passing o their knowledge so that you can augment the extra income they are already earning. The internet also offers a lot of resources and conference time tables which you can attend to learn.

The secret is to become a student of your own business; you will get to learn something new day after day. Now you are ready to begin by setting some realistic goals for yourself.


The major problem that plagues most affiliate marketers is that they tend to set themselves unrealistic goals by being over confident about their skills and plans. This results in becoming disenchanted very quickly due to non attainment of goals. Being realistic removes a lot of pain in this context. For example a goal of $5,000 a month realistically attainable, but a first time affiliate marketer is not likely to attain it when starting up.

Ways To Generate Online Income

The Internet has made it possible to generate many more forms of passive online income. Passive income is one of three types of income, as categorized by the IRS. The most common source of passive income is through online advertisements.

Advertising models

Online advertisers offer a variety of advertising models where advertising affiliates are offered payment in exchange for clicks, impressions or for each commission. For example, an e-commerce website might offer a percentage of the revenue generated from sales after a user arrives from the affiliate's link.

Generating passive income

The size of the passive income generated by the advertising affiliates comes from the number of users who see the link and are compelled by the advertisement or context that the link is embedded in. In order to draw in traffic and maximize clicks, advertising affiliates need to create content that is interesting to the users and can also draw in traffic that is likely to click on the links and purchase the product on the other side.

The need for content

For this reason, many websites that are advertising affiliates need content, which is most often text. However, the content can also include images, downloads, software, video and various other applications and forms of multimedia. Website owners earn a passive income through advertisements either by creating the content themselves or by subcontracting the creation of this content out to other content creators.

Passive and active compensation

This can be paid for either through passive or active payments. Some website owners choose to share a portion of the website earnings with the content creators, while other websites choose to pay content creators a flat fee, which represents an active form of income. Flat fees provide content creators with an immediate gratification for the content creator, but articles with a large amount of views can earn much more passive income.

E-commerce and auctions

Advertisements are only one way in which income is generated online. Another way to generate income is through the selling of products and services. Many products are sold on e-commerce websites and auction websites. E-commerce websites generally sell a select type of merchandise, with products sold usually at a set price. Auction websites allow buyers and sellers to meet online. Buyers can bid on products, with the highest bidders getting the item for sale.

Private contracts

The bidding concept is also used to sell services on a variety of bidding websites. In this model, clients can post projects and professionals can bid on the project. In this case, the bid represents the fee that the professional wishes to be paid for the project. The client can choose bidders based on the suggested fee, the professional's credentials and samples that are presented to the client.

However, this only represents one of many ways that clients and independent contractors can come together. Many clients will advertise the need for services on online classified websites, content mills and forums. For more high-profile projects, talent is usually found through word-of-mouth or by the independent contractor advertising his or her services on a personal website. While clients might pay a flat fee for services, some clients and independent contractors work out an hourly rate or a revenue share system.

The Best Way To Build A Profit-Generating List

Successful online marketing businesses understand how important it is to develop a strong, responsive email mailing list. Most online business owners need a source of contacts who are receptive to their marketing messages so that their businesses can continue to grow. This is why a targeted email list of customers or prospects happens to be the biggest asset of an online marketer/entrepreneur.

If you haven't started building your own email mailing list yet for your online business, then you could be missing out on thousands of dollars in lost sales. In order for any internet business to thrive, then you'll need to build an opt-in email list of targeted subscribers who are interested in your products.

Having your own list enables you to extract the lifetime time value of customer or turn a prospect into a customer. These days, there are many new marketers entering the industry only wanting to make short term profits, without bothering to think about how a successful business could keep making long term profits for years to come.

If you're not sure where to begin building your own mailing list, then don't despair. In this article, we will be discussing a few of the most effective and proven list building tactics to get the most out of your business. Consider the chance to discove how Adam Horwitz and Tim Donovan actually make funds utilizing smartphones to market on-line. The will help you determine if the world of mobile commerce is really for your requirements and can assist you to exploit the industry speedily.

A list building tactic that has been under-utilized by internet marketers is leveraging You may be skeptical that Amazon can be used for this purpose, but read on. It's a very easy tactic that anyone can learn to use quickly. To use this system, you must have an Amazon account; so if you don't already have one, create one, then sign in to your Profile page. You now start creating a profile on this page, writing an informative description of yourself and your business venture. Make sure that a link to your website is included in your profle. Once you've finished writing your profile, you can write some book reviews on Amazon picking books that have helped you with your business and creating honest reviews about them. Find books you want to review by searching by title or category; choose books you have already read or know something about. This is an excellent way to find targeted visitors to your site: they will first appreciate reading your comments and then want to find out more about you, so they will hopefully click on your profile.

One huge negative trend is failing to build a great relationship with email list subscribers. They don't make the effort to give away free knowledge to their subscribers and then wake up one fine day and shoot a sales pitch to their list. Naturally you have a list because you want to make money. The desire to make money does not mean only a one way flow of sales pitches without giving something valuable to the list. It's up to you, send them great info every week, or so. If you really want to make a great impression, send great content in different formats such as audio/video or pdfs/videos, etc. Be sure to put it on your list of things to do - send value to your list.

In short, since list building is an important element of your online business, you shouldn't ignore it in any way. If you increase your business contacts via a marketing list, then you'll be amazed at the impact this will have.