Four Secret Ways You Can Make Instant Cash Online

Are you struggling for cash in this poor economy? Also, have you ever tried to make money online but was never successful? There are many ways to make money on the internet but most of them require a lot of effort and time.  Here are several ways you can easily make some extra cash in the current slow economy today:
1. Create a blog. Creating a blog is easy. You can create a free blog by signing up at You can create any site you want (excluding illegal or sexual materials) in a few minutes. Just follow the instructions and the other good thing about this is that it is owned by Google so your site will be immediately indexed.
2. Create articles on site like EzineArticles to get free traffic to your website. EzineArticles is perhaps one of the best articles sites on the internet. It is regularly crawled by the search engines and you will get visitors to your site easily if you follow the terms of service.
3. Advertise your web design skills on outsourcing websites like Elance. Elance is a place where businesses can hire people from all over the world to perform web design, programming and other tasks. It's pretty easy to join and pay is relatively quick.
4. Sell things on auction web sites like eBay. You can sell basically most things on eBay with ease. However, be advised that you should always be honest and have great service. The better the service, the more money you will make.

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