Entrepreneurs Are The Real Difference Makers

"Be not simply good; be good for something."
Henry David Thoreau
If you want to make a real difference in the world- - start a business; it is as simple as that. Have you ever heard people say how easy it is to make a difference in someone else's life? You hear all kinds of things like: smile; buy a stranger a cup of coffee, or pay for their meal; pay a compliment, give a helping hand, do some volunteer work, make a care package, and of course- donate.
But really, what kind of difference is any of that really making when you get down to it? Those gestures, no matter how genuine you are do not necessarily impact your community, city, nation or the world in a monumental way.
The dictionary defines difference as: a point or way in which people or things are not the same. A synonym of difference is: distinction, which means: excellence that sets someone or something apart from others.
Smiling, complimenting, helping, volunteering, paying for someone's meal and even donating are things not so distinct; but are things that most of us do regularly in our everyday lives'. Business is what sets others apart. Business is the way to make a difference in the lives of people.
Business raises society's awareness of their rights through advertisements. Business produces products and services to meet people's needs. Business provides employment opportunities. Businesses make cities, states and even the country money through the exporting of goods.
Businesses are concerned with profits; which is where more revenue is gathered than it costs in expenses. That in turn leaves a surplus that can be invested in making the world a better place. That is, business via the mechanism of profit can help increase available resources and help fulfill a greater number and a higher level of human needs by investing in housing, education and social matters which ultimately makes the world a better place.
And if you aren't confident that you have what it takes, then let me reassure you that you do. If you have an idea, vision, burning desire and dream of ways to solve problems that people or the planet faces, then you do have what it takes. That is your purpose. You were born to solve that particular problem and it might not ever go away or get better until you take action. As you pursue your purpose, the right resources and opportunities become available to you. One resource to get you started is business credit cards.
Business credit cards are based on a personal guarantee. So, there are several criteria that must be met to be approved: 720 credit score, 30% debt-to-credit ratio, no bankruptcies, no foreclosures, no missing payments in the past 24 months of making application, one or more credit cards with a $5,000 maximum limit and a 10 year personal credit history. And if you are short on any of these criteria mentioned, you can receive mentorship from business credit card consultants on how to meet those must-haves.
"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do."
- Edward Everett Hale
Why sit back and watch the same problems continue because you don't feel equipped to handle them. Everyone starts at the same place: the beginning.
You have the ability and the opportunity to set yourself apart and make a tangible difference in your community, city, state and possibly the world; and in the process you can revamp your life and transform the lives of others! It's only an application away. Apply today and you will receive a funding estimate within 24 hours: