How to Get Your Website Visitors to Become Paying Customers

You surely have heard that in order to make money on the internet, you have to attract traffic, lots of it and convert them into paying customers. Lots of internet marketers, even so-called gurus send email marketing courses to your inbox every day with the promise of making you a ton of money. Yet, after buying all the books, videos and courses you are still not getting too much conversion although you are getting website visitors. How to get your website visitors to become paying customers is the dream of all marketers. You still need to convert that dream into reality though!
Imagine having a list of 10,000 subscribers and only 200 of them buy your $50 product. All of a sudden you are making $10,000 a month. Not bad if you asked me. Some marketers with huge buyers list are making 10 time that much a month. Now let's say that you become an affiliate with a seminar training course selling for $947.00 and get 50% commission, that is $473.5 and you still manage to sell 200 of them. Now that is a whopping $94,700. If you can do that every month then you are a happy marketer. You can see why many people are leaving their day job and try to make a living off the internet.
With that much competition it's not easy to make the big bucks, unless you are a marketing god who can write crafty email messages that is designed to make the subscribers open, read and fall in love with them. Once your subscriber likes you, trust you the money will be coming soon enough.
In case you wonder why are there so many courses on the psychology of a good email copy, what attract the subscribers to your message and get him/her glued to your very last words? As you can see learning how to write good email content is very important to a career as an online marketer.
You have to be able to tell them a good story, an entertaining story that relates to them in some way shape or form. It may not relate to all of your readers but it should relate to at least a good portion of them. That is why the savvy marketer tells you that you have to know your audience well. What do they do? What movies they like? What they eat for breakfast, etc.
Once you know your audience, it is easier to relate to them in your message. Make them feel special. The subscriber has to feel like you are talking to him/her personally. It makes them feel special. If you can talk to your subscribers as you talk to a friend, they will listen and they will anxiously wait for your next email message with anticipation and devour every single word of it.
What is the big secret of getting the website visitors to become paying customers? Well it is more like a recipe than a secret. A secret recipe like the big companies are using everyday in their business. Get the customer in, amaze the customer with your product and he or she will be coming for more.
As an online marketer, you need to attract the visitors to your website and get them to subscribe with an enticing bribe. Find all you can about them and make them fall in love with you with good, solid content that talks directly to them.
Offer them more of that good content to make them love you more and trust you. You will develop a relationship with them and build trust. From there you can help them find a solution to their problem by introducing them to an affiliate offer (solution to a problem) that can help them with the problem and help you fatten your wallet. Pretty nice recipe if you ask me.
If you are getting enough traffic to your website then you know that you are doing something right. If your traffic is not converting into subscribers then you have to re-design your opt-in page with an enticing gift so that the visitor can leave you his email contact.
If you want to see my opt-in page (converting at about 42%) then you may have an idea of what yours should look like.
Get your opt-in to convert here: