How To Get Your Target Market To Trust You

Building a rapport with your target market takes time. First you usually need to develop a mutual trust and affinity with someone. Believe it or not, you can accomplish this with your content if you focus on doing that.
To have rapport with someone you both need to be interested in the same thing, show care and concern for each other, and coordinate with each other during communication. That seems hard to do with content, but you can if you get your goals straight in your mind as you create the content.
When building rapport with content, you're going to want to consider a few factors such as:
How Your Content Looks
Appearances do matter when it comes to your content and how it looks to your audience. It needs to be easy to access, easy to read (or hear), and easy to understand the point.
Make Your Content as Personal as Possible
Personalize your content as much as you can. For example, on a blog post, say "you" even though your English teacher told you not to. You need to speak to them through your content as if you know them, and the same way you would a good friend.
Ensure Your Content Is Culturally Appropriate
One of the quickest ways to harm your relationship with your audience who likely come from various backgrounds even though they have the same interest, is to say something culturally insensitive.
Listen to Your Audience
Your audience will let you know how to talk to them. They'll let you know what problems they have. They'll even tell you how they wish their problems could be solved and what they can pay for it. But you must listen.
Let Them Share Experiences with You
Take them on a "behind the scenes" journey. You can do this with video or simply by writing a blog post that describes what you do in a day behind the scenes to make all the great stuff for them that you do.
Show Empathy
Being able to put yourself into someone else's shoes, even if you've never experienced that thing before, is called empathy. Show empathy through your customer service interactions and social media discussions.
Be a Mirror to Your Audience
Use the language they use, pick the words they would pick, and talk about the things they want to know about. It all stems from them and ends with them. It's not about you; it never was.
Be Reachable
Don't make it hard for your audience to talk to you. They should easily be able to email you or use your contact form without having to search hard for it. Let them hit "reply" to an email and be open to contact.
When you write and manage your content correctly, it will make your life easier and your business grow. To discover how the most successful online entrepreneurs plan, create and deliver great content, download my free checklist, The 5 Step Content Strategy, at